Studio Es Knoll is a market and trend research studio based in Vienna, Austria, focusing on the arts, culture, and creative industries sectors.

What we do

Culture, Kultur, Theater, Oper, Kunstförderung, Wettbewerb, Zeitgeist, Musik, Museen, MusMarket Research, Markt Recherche, Marktforschung, Meinungsforschung, Research, Esther Naomi Knoll, Wien, Markt- und Meinungsforschung, studio es knoll

Market Research

Establish a sustainable position for your business by leveraging industry best practices and fostering stakeholder dialogue and collaboration.

Trend Research, Trendforschung, Modedesign, Kreativwirtschaft, Esther Naomi Knoll, Research, Wien, Studio Es Knoll, studioesknoll, Kunst, Kultur, Mode, Trends, studio es knoll, studioesknoll

Trend Research

Discover the latest industry trends that are relevant to your business.

Discover and maximize your potential


Stay ahead by spotting innovation.


Discover and maximize your potential ✴︎ Stay ahead by spotting innovation. ✴︎

Let's create together


Let's learn from each other


Let's create together ✴︎ Let's learn from each other ✴︎